Thursday 5 April 2012

Logo Research

For the logo research I aim to display a variety of different music festival logos and annotate them. From this I hope to pick out certain reoccurring factors in which I can pick out and use in my design.

  • This leeds Festival logo is simple and effective. 
  • It only uses 3 different colours.
  •  It has a simple legible font. 

  • Easily recognizable,
  • Adaptable (Can be manipulated slightly so it can be slightly different for the following year),
  • "Download" is in an usual yet simple/legible font. 

  • 3 people with different and defined colours. 
  • Simple illustration of people. 
  • "Glastonbury" is in an usual font. 

  • The use of the bridge, referencing the local area
  • The grin = comedy, (simple)
  • 3 different fonts used. 

  • The V used is clear and noticeable to the Virgin company logo. 
  • Simple,
  • Nice font. 

  • It is clear that there is a castle in the back ground, and it is silhouetted. 
  • The use of colours, 
  • The stencil font used, is bold and noticeable. 
  • People playing instruments on the logo. 

  • Clear to see it is a music festival that is set at the coast. Due to the sailor tattoo references. 
  • Tattoo.... I love the vintage tattoo designs. 
  • Minimal colours 

  • The use of bright vibrant colours. 
  • Different fonts. 
  • Use of location in the logo.

From these examples, I can tell that I need to create a logo that uses the following traits, 
  • Simple,
  • Uses imagery from the local area, 
  • Bold fonts, 
  • Choose colours carefully
  • Create it so it could be slightly manipulated for the following year. 

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